

We exist to know Jesus Christ and make him better known. Much of this we do through giving our TIME, TALENTS & TREASUREAll Saints’ Church relies on a wonderful team of over 100 committed volunteers who have helped build All Saints’ Church Family over the years.

Set up a Direct Debit

Receiving regular donations helps us plan for the future. Having a secure surplus of funds ensures we can maintain the fabric of the church building today and for future generations as well as allowing us to help our local community. We use the Parish Giving Scheme to manage our direct debits and gift aid claims. This is a registered charity recommended by the Diocese where all your funds are protected.  If you would like to support All Saints’ though a regular donation please find a form, marked Parish Giving Scheme, at the back of the church. Once you have completed the form please send it to the address shown on the form, nothing could be simpler.

Or you can directly access the All Saints' page on the Parish Giving Scheme website here.

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer and eligible to Gift Aid your donation, please complete this declaration form.  This will increase your gift by 25p for every £1 given at no extra cost to you or us.

If you shop online, you can donate to All Saints' Church for free at

When you make a purchase with one of the 2,700+ participating retailers, as a thank you for shopping, the retailer provides a donation for you to give to your chosen good cause.

Simply search for "All Saints' Church PCC" before shopping.


Poole Food Bank+

Poole Food Bank+ main hub is called Jimmy’s and is located

at St James’ Church Centre, Church Street, Poole, BH15 1JN

in Poole town centre. It provides a range of support in addition to emergency food. The food includes cereals, milk, soup, pasta, tinned meat & tinned vegetables – to provide balanced and nutritional meals for three days. Food is donated by churches, local schools, groups and the public.

A fortnightly collection is taken from All Saints’ Church Porch.

Giving your time

If you would like to get involved in helping with one of the many social or ministry teams please get in touch.


Giving your talents

If you have a particular talent to share, whether it’s an ability to care and comfort those in need or are a Sound Technician, for example, we would love to hear from you!